cFosSpeed v4.20 Build 1389 繁體中文正式版(網路優化軟件)
Traffic Shaping best for
>> Broadband: DSL, Cable
>> Narrow band: modem, ISDN
>> Mobile
>> Filesharing (P2P)
>> Games
>> Streaming Media, VoIP
-- Low Ping
-- Prioritising programs
-- Prioritising protocols
-- Online Budgets
-- Firewall
By contrast, cFos Traffic Shaping prioritizes data traffic in such a fashion that important
packets zip past regular packets. This way, receipts always arrive in time, and uploads won't
ever choke your broadband connection again!
cFos Traffic-Shaping technology recognizes a number of important packet types and prioritizes
them not only to keep Internet traffic running smoothly but also to ensure particularly low
ping times. This not only accelerates surfing and download speeds significantly, but it is
also a decisive advantage for online gaming.
With cFos Traffic Shaping, you will notice measurable improvements and benefits like:
>> Full download rate during upload
>> Consistently quick response time while surfing the Web or running other applications
>> Improved VoIP speech quality
cFosSpeed v6.00 Build 1700 Final 繁/簡體中/英文正式版(多功能DSL modem和路由器驅動網路工具軟體)
cFosSpeed v4.25 build 1431 繁體中文正式版(調整網路速度軟體)
cFosSpeed v6.50 Build 1810 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(依附在現有網路連線上的網路驅動程式軟體)
cFosSpeed v4.24 build 1420 繁體中文正式版(多功能DSL modem和路由器驅動軟體)
cFosSpeed v5.10 Build 1619 Final x86 繁體中文/英文正式版(充分使用你的ISDN和DSL連接軟體)
cFosSpeed v6.10 Build 1774 Final (x86-64) 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(種最佳化網際網路流量的方法軟體)
cFosSpeed v8.02 Build 1972 Final 繁體中文正式版(網路速度工具軟體)