Chessbase Opening Encyclopaedia 2011 英文正式版(Chessbase 百科全書軟體)(DVD版)
Kritz,庫茲明,馬林,莫斯卡連科,Postny,Ribli,Rogozenko和斯托爾。 「DVD包含580
The ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia 2011 features the complete
coverage of all opening sectors, offering an optimal start for
opening training. Many well-known specialists have made contributions
in their field of expertise, such as Anand, Avrukh, Krasenkow, Kritz,
Kuzmin, Marin, Moskalenko, Postny, Ribli, Rogozenko and Stohl. The
DVD contains a separate directory with 580 (74 of them are new)
special theory databases from the CBMs. For each of 500 opening
sectors according to ECO standard there is at least one opening
survey, so that the database is the ideal tool for building up a
complete opening repertoire. The game database includes 3.8 million
games, about 80.000 of them with annotations.
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